Personal & Professional Image
Are you ready to dress for success? Studies show that people who take care of their image will project confidence and reliability. Consequently, they can also earn at least 6% more than those who don’t.
If we can take care of ourselves and maintain good personal image and grooming – it would reflect positively on the way we care for our work responsibility, commitments (and customers).
Don’t sabotage ourselves and we should not let ourselves look bad. More importantly, why should we miss the opportunity of earning more?
We all can build a good image for ourselves and remember – that a good image does not equate to good looks. What we need to focus on are these three aspects: The Look, Walk and Talk.
Be Ready for Success – Get The Look

This part is all about WHAT we wear, HOW we wear them and WHO we are wearing them for?
WHAT to wear?
What we wear must first suit our personal wardrobe personality and profession. Our wardrobe personality will reflect the type of dresser that we are. First, the Naturals (laid-back, low-key and casual). Second, the Romantics (more expressive, puts effort into dressing, more open to trying new styles/colours etc). The Classics are the understated, quietly sophisticated ones, and the Dramatics (which is quite self-explanatory. Think about Lady Gaga).
HOW to wear it?
The ‘How’ – it is not about how expensive the clothes are or if they are of designer labels or from the sale racks. The clothes that we wear must suit our body shape. They must also be of the right fit, cut (style), proportion (length/print) and colours.
WHO are you dressing for?
The ‘Who’ is about the dress code. Just like dressing up for a date – we want to look good for the ‘audience’ (the person/people we are meeting). Our daily agenda will determine what we wear for the day. We may have clients to meet, interviews to go to or special events to attend.
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Look out for Part-2 of this article: The Walk & Talk (coming up next)
By Kit Sani Barrett, principal consultant & trainer at ImageXchange. She contributes various articles relating to beauty, style, business, home & lifestyle.